News Media Europe

Declaration on media freedom, to the attention of the upcoming Hungarian Presidency to the EU

Publications , May 30, 2024

Copenhagen, 28 May 2008

On 1 July 2024, Hungary will take up the Presidency of the EU Council and lead the work of the Member States for the next six months. News Media Europe, the voice of the press publishing sector in Europe, urges the Hungarian Presidency to respect fundamental freedoms and media freedom.
With the recent adoption of the European Media Freedom Act and the Directive against strategic and abusive lawsuits (“SLAPPs”), all Member States, including Hungary, will soon have to comply with rules that strengthen and protect the free press as a fundamental pillar of democracy.
Despite these profound advancements, press freedom and freedom of expression cannot be taken for granted. It is now up to the Hungarian Presidency of the EU to give continuation to protecting the free press in the European Union in all its forms so that it can continue to fulfil its role as a watchdog in the European democratic society.
News Media Europe and its members are committed to working constructively with the Hungarian presidency to safeguard media freedom and professional journalism as a free enterprise.